Have you ever seen a product or service and wondered if it really works? Me too, so I decided to do something about it. I try out all of the products I come across on social media and those recommended by friends and give YOU my honest opinion. I also share tidbits of my life.
7x7: BIPOC Journalists + Content Creators Take Finland By Storm
I'm a 1800 Contacts Ambassador!
When my best friend started an aesthetics business that includes body contouring, I jumped at the chance to try a different approach to rid myself of these excess pounds.
Have you heard of Maggie Q and her crusade to help us all live better? I decided to give this green probiotic/prebiotic supplement a try.
I used the DB Method machine for 6 weeks, and I'm not surprised at my results.
The folklore surrounding the "three sisters" rock formation in the Blue Mountains is amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, and it made seeing the rock formation even more exciting.
Today, I tried the viral TIKTOK and Instagram snatched bodysuit! Visit https://shopalluro.com to buy yours today, and enter REAL90328 to receive a 10% discount at checkout.
Very Real Media Kit (pdf)